Protecting Employers Since 1985

Operating Engineers Local 150 Remains One of Northern Illinois Most Active Unions

NLRB statistics and filings often do not reveal the true activity level of Operating Engineers Local 150. Frequently, Local 150’s strategy is more focused on picketing and boycotts, rather than traditional NLRB elections. The reality is that Operating Engineers 150 is probably the most active private sector union in Northern Illinois. They are exceedingly well funded. They have a huge, well-paid staff, including an army of lawyers. Here is salary information from the most recent LM-2 filing with the US Department of labor:

James Sweeney President-Bus Mgr $326,265
Kevin Burke Vice-President $245,728
Steven Cisco Recording Corr Secretary $402,758
David Fagan Financial Secretary $268,361
Marshall Douglas II Treasurer $249,503
John Ahlgrim Business Rep $161,870
Federico Alvarez Organizer $176,752
George Antos Business Rep $157,931
Steve Benefield Business Rep $159,022
Allen Bingham Business Rep $232,734
Joseph Blazevich Business Rep $142,444
Patrick Carlson Business Rep $155,210
Nicholas Cline Business Rep $148,001
James Connolly Jr Legal Department $104,651
Steven Davidson Legal Department $166,807
Anthony Diliberto II Organizer $156,235
Neal Deuser Organizer $168,917
Bryan Diemer Business Rep $184,352
Deanna Distasio Business Rep $179,377
Karl Drapeaux Business Rep $152,715
Ryan Drew Business Rep $162,311
Michael Drew Business Rep $157,374
Martin Durkan Business Rep $153,587
Kenneth Edwards Business Rep $183,498
Richard Fahy Business Rep $158,716
Thomas Ferrallo Business Rep $162,548
Kevin Flynn Business Rep $140,679
Michael Foulk Business Rep $153,149
James Gardner Business Rep $159,606
John Garza Office Manager Accountant $165,482
David Gerdez Business Rep $162,482
Michael Getzelman Organizer $156,963
Carlton Glover Business Rep $161,437
Carmela Gonzalez Business Rep $151,868
William Goodwin Business Rep $157,497
Melinda Hensel Legal Department $175,121
Christopher Hoffman Business Rep $143,556
Shawn Holm-Hansen Business Rep $160,166
John Horne Business Rep $155,847
Stephen Karpowicz Business Rep $159,115
Paul Keska Business Rep $155,044
Charles Kiser Legal Department $175,121
Michael Kresge Business Rep $182,569
Brett Krogstad Business Rep $128,557
Elizabeth LaRose Legal Department $183,594
John Lask Organizer $163,746
Christopher Lawrence Business Rep $170,776
Judy MacKowiak Credit Union $100,382
Edward Maher Communications $116,807
Dennis Martin Business Rep $160,923
Lance McGill Business Rep $163,878
Terry McNeely Business Rep $163,516
Martin Moore Business Rep $152,464
Andrew Moreno Business Rep $129,718
Reynaldo Nolazco Business Rep $101,995
William O’Connor Business Rep $155,400
Daniel Opatkiewicz Business Rep $163,722
Marquis Overstreet Business Rep $141,694
Robert Paddock Business Rep $170,764
Brian Palka Business Rep $157,402
Robert Paszta Legal Department $155,642
Wallace Pendleton Jr Business Rep $156,137
Jeffery Peters Business Rep $159,125
Dale Pierson Legal Department $249,606
Dean Rankovich Business Rep $172,691
Michael Roach Business Rep $148,218
Thomas Rottman Business Rep $157,816
Brad Russell Legal Department $130,445
Stephen Russo Business Rep $158,591
Michael Simms Business Rep $159,320
Stanley Simrayh Business Rep $209,533
John Sorenson Business Rep $160,677
Bryan Stagowski Maintenance $189,541
Frank Studer Business Rep $158,802
Raymond Sundine Organizer $158,179
Mark Szula Business Rep $162,449
Jeffrey Valles Business Rep $165,304
Shannon Vickers Organizer $165,399
Acy Wartsbauch III Business Rep $153,311
Jake Wetzel Business Rep $163,484
Lance Yendock Business Rep $152,116
Patrick Young Business Rep $161,039
Vincent Zajec Sr Business Rep $156,936

Wessels Sherman has been involved over the past few years in a large number of these cases. Most frequently it is a boycott using an inflatable rat set up not at the target company location, but at the facilities of their customers and suppliers. We have written in previous Client Updates about the notorious Eliason & Knuth case that we expect to be reversed soon by the NLRB. Local 150 relies on this free-speech theory to justify a clear secondary boycott. The eventual Board reversal will seriously limit the effectiveness of these secondary boycott campaigns. We are awaiting an Administrative Law Judge decision on an important case where we represented the neutral employer. Wessels Sherman lawyers recently were involved in a lengthy battle in the Rockford area where Operating Engineers 150 walked away after about a year of harassment. A recent Local 150 focus has been generator suppliers through efforts at organizing generator technicians and strikes are ongoing.

Local 150 Trust fund audits have been a big issue as well. There, the tactic is to use trust funds rather than the union to audit and claim huge sums from unsuspecting employers on various theories. These audits can be particularly dangerous because if a federal court collection suit is filed, under ERISA there is strong likelihood that the target company will end up paying the other side’s legal fees.

If any of our readers would like to discuss any of these issues, contact Attorney Richard Wessels at or at (630) 377.1554.

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